What to Do if You Chip a Tooth

Wondering what to do if you chip a tooth? A chipped tooth can really hurt, and teeth can be damaged in numerous ways. Depending on the type of injury and condition of your teeth, damage can be slight or extensive.
Unless you have a minor chip, the only permanent way to fix it is to see your Houston dentist at FMS Dental. In the meantime, the best thing to do is to focus on addressing the pain and protecting both your tooth and the inside of your mouth against further damage.

What to Do if You Chip or Break Your Tooth

As your Houston dentist, we don’t advise home remedies for broken teeth. However, there are some measures you can take to protect your mouth and your teeth.

If You Break a Tooth

When you break or chip a tooth, it’s important to rinse your mouth with warm water. This will help you clean it. Apply pressure to the area if there’s any bleeding, and use a cold compress to reduce the swelling. If you have the broken piece, wrap it up with some wet gauze and bring it with you to our Houston dental office.

If You Lose a Tooth

When the tooth pops out of place, use a gauze pad to pick it up by the crown and try to put it back into the socket. If it looks dirty, be sure to rinse it off with water. However, you should not try to clean it with a solution or a brush.
If you aren’t able to place it in the socket, put it in a glass of milk, water, or a saline solution. Try to get to a dentist within 30 minutes.

What to Do If You Chip a Tooth: Pain Relief

If you’re looking up “what to do if you chip a tooth,” there’s a good chance you’re feeling some pain. Start out by flushing the inside of your mouth with warm water and applying a cold compress to your face every few minutes. For the pain, take some anti-inflammatories and over-the-counter pain relief. However, never exceed the recommended dose.

How to Protect Your Mouth Until You Reach Your Houston Dentist

When the tooth has a small chip and a jagged edge, consider applying dental wax over the edge to keep it from cutting your tongue or the inside of your mouth. However, we don’t recommend this if the chip is large or a section of the tooth is missing. This is because you risk breaking off more of the tooth.
Oftentimes, drugstores carry temporary relief kits that contain a dental wax. Additionally, try to avoid chewing anything on the side of your mouth with the damaged tooth. Flossing around the tooth can also help to reduce irritation.

How to Repair a Chipped Tooth

What to do if you chip a tooth is best left to your Houston dentist. Treatment varies, depending on the size and position of the crack or break. Here are a few potential treatments:
• Root canal with crown placement
• Tooth extraction with a dental implant
• Bonding
• Polishing
Some tiny cracks might not require treatment, but we can determine the extent of the necessary treatment when you make it to the office.

What to Do if You Chip a Tooth: Come See Your Houston Dentist!

When the damage is slight, our dental team can polish the surface to smooth out broken or jagged edges. At times, we refer to this as cosmetic contouring. With dental bonding, we can also fill in some gaps and fissures. Typically, this can be done in a single visit.
If you’re still wondering “what to do if you chip a tooth,” it might be time to call FMS Dental and schedule an appointment with your Houston dentist! Our team is ready to take care of you and help you back on the road to better oral health.