What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry?

The benefits of cosmetic dentistry are broad and cover much more of your life than you might realize. Oftentimes, your smile is your first impression. It helps you ingratiate yourself to new people, diffuse difficult situations, or even brighten someone’s day. 

Unfortunately, a 2012 study found that over 33% of adults in the United States aren’t happy with their smiles. Participants in the study felt that they missed out on job opportunities, love interests, and social connections due to their smiles. 

Luckily, cosmetic dentistry offers people a way to improve their smiles. When you love your smile, it helps to boost your confidence. If you want to learn more about the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, schedule an appointment with the Houston cosmetic dentists at FMS Dental. We are happy to help you explore your options and begin your journey to a healthy, beautiful smile. 

What’s the Public Opinion of Cosmetic Dentistry? 

Per a 2016 study by the Pew Research Center, many people appreciate the benefits cosmetic dentistry offer people. Among those surveyed, 86% considered cosmetic dental procedures to be an appropriate use of dental technology. 

Moreover, about 23% knew a friend or family member who benefited from cosmetic dental procedures. Additionally, 11% experienced the benefits firsthand. With a multitude of reasons to opt for cosmetic dentistry, no single motivation is better than another. 

Your smile is your own, and if you want to change it, you have that right. Below, we explore the benefits many people experience from cosmetic dental procedures. 

More Confidence in Your Smile

The primary purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance of your smile. As experienced Houston dentists and orthodontists, we use a variety of procedures to help people gain confidence in their smiles. 

Many of these procedures last up to a decade. Dental implants even have the potential to last a lifetime with proper maintenance. All of this makes cosmetic dentistry well worth the investment. 

A More Youthful Appearance

When it comes to the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, some find that it has a reverse-aging effect. This is because cosmetic procedures cover many of the flaws we gain throughout our lives. For example, teeth whitening removes stains from tea and coffee. 

Moreover, a chipped tooth from your regular grinding is a simple fix. For more severe cases, dental implants replace missing teeth after an event like a car accident. When you restore your teeth to their original appearance, it helps you look younger by comparison.  

Additionally, when we address dental flaws, our patients often tell us they can’t help but show off their smiles. This is great news for patients because smiling itself has the potential to make you seem younger. 

Per a study published by PLOS One, when people smile, others perceive them as younger. For adults aged 40-65, the effect magnifies. 

Improved Self Esteem

When we feel more confident about our physical appearance, that confidence radiates outward and inward. It impacts the way we behave in life, and other people notice. Oftentimes, the benefits of cosmetic dentistry center around how much people smile more after the procedures. 

On its own, smiling provides an array of benefits. From reducing stress to improving your mood, it helps you become a better version of yourself. 

Additionally, cosmetic dental procedures help to shift the negative social effects that come from atypical smiles. For instance, younger patients occasionally experience bullying due to how their teeth look. This has an impact on their self-esteem, which potentially spreads to other aspects of their lives. 

With milder cosmetic procedures as well as braces or Invisalign, we help to address these dental issues. Moreover, we provide them with a healthier smile they want to show off. 

New Opportunities

The basic benefits of cosmetic dentistry set the stage for other improvements. For instance, adults aren’t always great about practicing what they preach. While we tell kids not to judge people by their appearances, many adults react to this subconsciously. 

Oftentimes, people attribute positive qualities to those they perceive as attractive. This happens regardless of whether that person actually possesses those qualities. 

From school to employment, this shifts the opportunities available to people. Ultimately, it helps you address your own self-esteem, which radiates out to others and shifts their perception. When you have confidence in yourself, other people share that confidence. 

Reduced Pain

One of the most impactful benefits of cosmetic dentistry is the way it addresses pain caused by dental issues. Misaligned teeth cause muscle tension. As you try to correct your bite while chewing, you strain your muscles. 

Over time, this leads to jaw aches, which radiates up to your temples. Through cosmetic dental procedures, your Houston dentist helps you align your teeth to eliminate the source of the pain. 

Often, patients experience a reduction in the severity and frequency of their headaches after cosmetic procedures. 

Improved Dental Health

While the core purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to improve your appearance, it also helps to improve your dental health. Whether it corrects an issue causing pain or inspires you on your oral health journey, it sets you on a new path 

For instance, after teeth whitening, you might avoid drinks or habits that stain your teeth. With more extensive procedures, the benefits you feel make you want to maintain them. An improved oral care routine protects your oral health and prevents gum disease. 

Explore the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry with FMS Dental

We all want a bright, beautiful smile. Unfortunately, some people have to work harder to attain it. When you feel shame or embarrassment about your smile, our dentists are here to help you achieve the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. 

Whether we address issues or upgrade your smile, we help you determine whether cosmetic dental procedures are right for you. Our friendly Houston dentists work with you to find the best solution for the smile you want. First, we conduct a thorough exam to find any underlying issues. 

Next, we guide you through your options. When you’re ready to explore your options, book an appointment with our Houston cosmetic dentists!