Veneers vs Dental Bonding: What to Know

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, people often wonder which is better when it comes to porcelain veneers vs dental bonding. Whether you want to fix a chipped tooth or brighten up stained, worn teeth, several procedures are available. 

Oftentimes, cosmetic issues focus on two solutions: dental bonding and dental veneers. From individual teeth to full mouth makeovers, these options have great advantages. At FMS Dental, our Houston dentists provide patients with cosmetic dentistry services to help them meet their dental goals. 

Generally, our patients have a lot of questions. When it comes to investing in your appearance, why wouldn’t you? Below, we offer a look into whether porcelain veneers or dental bonding might be right for you. 

Still, your best bet is to schedule a consultation with your Houston dentist at FMS. Let us show you your options and walk you through the details. Book an appointment today and see which option works best with your goals!

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

In cosmetic dentistry, veneers are wafer-thin pieces of material that we place over your teeth. We craft porcelain veneers to fit over your tooth and provide a natural look that blends in with your smile. Veneers hide one tooth that’s discolored or injured. However, when you want to use them to cover multiple teeth, it’s entirely possible. 

Several veneers help you create a healthy smile that does not fade. In the veneer process, we remove a bit of your tooth. This allows the veneer to fit comfortably for a smooth, even look. 

Oftentimes, placement is painless. However, an accurate fit that lists a lifetime at times requires a few visits. That’s why you need a cosmetic dentist in Houston with experience in placing veneers. With accurate placement and coloring, you gain a simple, beautiful smile. 

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that involves a resin. Your Houston dentist prepares the surface of the tooth. When it’s ready, we apply a new resin directly to the tooth. 

As the resin hardens, we polish and shape it to match your teeth. 

When it comes to veneers vs dental bonding, bonding does not last as long. However, bonding is preferable to some patients for many reasons. It offers patients a quick way to address minor imperfections that don’t encounter much force. 

With the right oral care routine in place and a little love, dental bonding lasts anywhere from 3 to 10 years. Moreover, this simple procedure is quick and easy – often done in one visit. 


Veneers vs Dental Bonding: What to Consider

Oftentimes, when patients want to pursue cosmetic dental procedures, it comes down to porcelain veneers vs dental bonding. How do you know which is right for you, though? 

Here are a few aspects to consider as you make your decision. 

Cost of Veneers vs Dental Bonding

Typically porcelain veneers cost a bit more than dental bonding. In part, this is because the material is more expensive. Moreover, the procedure requires a bit more time and attention. 

Over time, though, some patients find that dental bonding is more costly in the long-term since it is less permanent. This is especially true because bonding has more potential to break. 

When you want to cover stains that whitening can’t fix, veneers are a better choice. On the other hand, dental bonding is ideal to repair chips or small gaps. 


Bonding and veneers both blend into your smile. Your cosmetic dentist matches the material to your surrounding teeth. However, porcelain veneers are stain-resistant. Unfortunately, the bonding resin has the potential to darken over time. 


Permanence is at the core of dental veneers as a cosmetic procedure. Oftentimes, they last anywhere from 10 – 25 years. Although they are not invincible, the material is more durable than the resin used in bonding. 

While it depends on what your teeth need, bonding is still a strong material. That’s why dentists rely on it as a time-tested solution for repairing teeth. 

Your Goals

Consider your goals for your smile. Do you have staining that won’t go away? Are there chips that you want to fix? For some patients, it’s not a matter of porcelain veneers vs dental bonding. 

A combination of the procedures goes a long way in addressing a mixture of issues you want to correct. When you meet with the dentists at FMS, let us know your goals. Our team strives to provide excellent service, and we want to ensure we bring your dream smile to life. 

Dental Veneers vs Dental Bonding: Your Solution at FMS Dental

Sometimes the real question isn’t about veneers vs dental bonding. At times, you just need to find the right cosmetic dentist in Houston, TX. At FMS Dental, our team strives to do the job right the first time. 

When you work with us, you find excellence in service from a highly skilled team of dental professionals. For your cosmetic procedure, make the choice easy. Call us today to schedule a consultation.